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Slow Interiors and embracing our heritage

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Slow Interiors and embracing our heritage

The terms Slow Interiors, and Fast Furniture, are used a lot, but what do they actually mean?   

What do you think of when something is pre-fixed with the term ‘fast’, such ‘fast Food’, ‘fast Fashion’, ‘fast Furniture’?

I think of cheap, mass produced, unhealthy, unenvironmentally friendly and short lived products. 

The ‘fast’ item often being produced as quickly and cheaply as possible to satisfy a current trend, not meant to survive forever; just until the next trend arrives. 

However, what does the term ‘Slow’ Interiors mean to you?

I was lucky enough to attend a Seminar in London a few weeks ago and listen to a few top interior designers and Jay Blades, talk about what ‘Slow Interiors’ means to us and how we can incorporate it into our lives.

The headlines are:-



A house furnished with pieces which have memories associated with them will feel much more like your home, than if it were furnished with mass produced items bought that season. 

Take time to collate items for your home.  Gather memories from your travel destinations or things that envoke warm memories in you.  Buy some art work at your favourite holiday destination or display a vase from your grandparents.  Or a Chair that has seen you through your student days and been recovered and moved with you.  These items have stories and meanings attached to them.  


A top tip is to invest in the best quality classic pieces of furniture you can afford as it will last your lifetime, and some.  You can pick up some amazing pieces from local house clearance outlets or Facebook marketplace.  These can be painted and given a new look several times over to change as your interior colour themes change through the years. 

Investing in classical pieces which has quality craftmanship is key. There is so much beauty in something that has been built with the love of a human hand.  

I love to wonder who crafted the piece I am working on, and who has owned the it in its past.  It’s its history which gives us the story and provides the emotion we connect to.


Being mindful and thoughtful about the carbon footprint of our homes.  Always considering a ‘reuse’ option in the first instance, followed by other eco-friendly solutions.  But if we need to buy new, considering the core values on the company in relation to its supply chain and carbon footprint.  It is our responsibility more than ever to look after our planet for our future generations.


Trends come and go.  They are created by the retail industry simply to create the need and desire for people to make purchases.  It sadly is not a sustainable way to live as these trend items often have a high carbon footprint attached to them, coupled with the waste of the outgoing item.

Slow Interiors certainly feels much more attuned to 21st Century living and such a refreshing change to the desire to always buy new to satisfy a need.  Making more considered decision when feeling a 'need' for something is the way forward.

Let me know what you think.  Is this a lifestyle you'd like to adopt?

slow living room 3


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